1.      Strawberries

Sun-warmed strawberries picked directly from your own strawberry vines have a sweet, juicy flavor that is unmatched. This is an extremely versatile fruit that grows well in patio pots, window boxes, hanging baskets, or the ground as long as they are planted in a location that receives plenty of sunlight and has well-draining soil.

How to Grow Strawberries – A Quick Overview

Depending on your growing region, you can plant strawberries in the spring or fall. Raised beds, pots, or a garden are all great places to grow them!

Plant your strawberries about 18 inches apart to allow for runners. Always make sure they receive at least 8 hours of direct sunlight daily and are sown in slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5 to 6.8).

Add several inches of old compost or any other rich organic materials to your native soil to help it grow. For container gardening, think about using high-quality bagged potting soil.

Water your strawberry plants once or twice a week, being careful not to dampen the leaves.

Keep plants well-fed with a fertilizer that releases nutrients continuously to encourage good fruit output.

Ripe strawberries are best picked early in the morning and put in the fridge right away.

Easy Strawberry Varieties:

The little Alpine strawberry, whose seed is widely available, is the easiest strawberry to cultivate from seed. You can even get creative and use a toothpick to remove the seeds from any strawberry and try to grow plants from it!

2. Raspberries

As long as the soil has sufficient drainage and receives plenty of sunlight, raspberry plants can thrive in raised beds, pots, or the ground. Select a variety that bears fruit in the summer or the fall or grows both for a very long harvest period. Just be careful to prune your canes annually at the appropriate time.

How to Grow Raspberries – A Quick Overview

A location with rich soil that is well-drained and full sun are best.

Choose plants that will thrive in your zone of hardiness.

Enhance the soil.

Install a post and wire system for stability and space raspberry bushes roughly 3–4 feet away from each other.

In the summer, water your raspberry bushes frequently. During the winter, watering should be reduced.

From spring until early July, make sure to feed your raspberry bushes!

Regular harvesting will keep plants productive.

Easy Raspberry Varieties:

The autumn raspberry variety “Polka,” is a consumer favorite and produces a luscious crop from July through October. The raspberry variety “Glen Coe” has no thorns and offers a distinctive purple crop of exceptionally sweet fruit as a summer option. And if you want something for pots, try the dwarf raspberry variety dubbed “Yummy.”

3.      Blueberries

The perfumed spring blossoms and vibrant autumn foliage of blueberry plants add seasonal variety and even look great when grown from containers. You can fill your planters with evergreen compost and water with collected rainwater. This is because they need acidic, damp soil to grow. Tap water lessens the acidity of the soil.

How to Grow Blueberries – A Quick Overview

pH values between 4 and 5.5 are ideal for blueberries.

Organic matter should be abundant in blueberry soil.

For optimal results, grow blueberry bushes in direct sunlight. Plants can withstand afternoon shade.

Well-drained soil is preferred for blueberries.

Plant blueberries roughly 2-4 feet apart for low bushes and 4-6 feet apart for high bushes. Put 6-8 feet between rows.

Despite self-pollination in blueberries, growing an additional variety will boost berry production.

During the growing season, blueberries require around one inch of water every week.

Easy Blueberry Varieties:

Choose a self-fertile variety such as blueberry “Duke” or the smaller self-fertile type “Top Hat,” if you only want a single bush. Try the blueberry variety “Pink Sapphire,” which has clusters of vividly pink, exceptionally sweet berries, for something a little unusual.

4.      Apples

From mid-summer through late autumn, apple trees bear fruit. In order to maintain your trees, plant them in rich, well-drained soil that receives enough of sunshine. You should also trim your trees during the winter. While cooking apples are excellent for baking into recipes, dessert apples are delicious enough to eat directly off the tree! Even if you don’t have enough room for a full-grown tree, patio planters can be used to grow compact miniature kinds.

How to Grow Apples – A Quick Overview

First, clear the area of your lawn where you wish to put your apple tree.

Start planting your apple tree the week following your last normal frost.

Create a hole that is between 18 to 24 inches deep and 6 to 12 inches broader than your root ball. then for about a minute, water the hole.

In the hole, plant your apple seedling or tree. Garden soil should be inserted into the hole until the tree stem meets it, and then mulch should be applied on top of the soil.

After planting your apple tree, enclose it with a fence. Rabbits, deer, and other pests won’t be able to get it because of the fence.

During the first year, keep an attentive eye on your apple tree.

Easy Apple Tree Varieties:

Choose an Apple Duo tree for tiny gardens. Two yummy types that cross-pollinate are grafted onto the main stem of this unique small tree. “Appletini” is a new self-fertile compact fruit with pink spring blossoms and tiny red fruits. Plant the traditional apple variety “Bramley’s Seedling” for flawless apple crumbles.

5.      Blackberries

Blackberries are tasty fruits that can be grown in the sun or the shade and don’t require much care to yield an abundance of them. The luscious berries, which are great eaten whole or baked into sweets, can be collected from June through September.

How to Grow Blackberries – A Quick Overview

When learning how to cultivate blackberries, timing is crucial. After the winter’s final frost, they should be sown in early spring.

Keep 5 to 6 feet between blackberry plants before planting them. Blackberries should be planted in rows, with the distance between each row being between 5 to 8 feet.

Planting blackberries should be done quite shallowly. You should try to plant blackberry transplants approximately one inch deeper than the nursery pot if you purchased them.

If you picked a trailing blackberry variety, you must plant it next to a trellis support to encourage and help it climb upwards.

Easy Blackberry Varieties:

‘Black Cascade’ is a blackberry variety that looks lovely cascading from a hanging basket. It is a petite type that works well in small gardens as well. Blackberry “Apache” is a delicious, thornless choice that is suitable for kids.

Up Next:

Strawberries vs. BlueberriesBanana vs. AppleRaspberries vs. Blueberries