1. Ticks

In Wisconsin, there are over a dozen species of ticks, which are found in every county. It might sound daunting, but Wisconsinites usually only encounter a few of these species. Deer ticks (black-legged ticks) and wood ticks (American dog ticks) are two of the most common. It is still important to avoid getting bitten by a tick because it can transmit several chronic and life-threatening diseases, such as Lyme disease. The tick is one of the most dangerous animals in Wisconsin.

2. Gray Wolves

As a result of its removal from the federal Endangered Species List, the gray wolf is thriving in Wisconsin again. The Department of Natural Resources data indicates the number of wolves in Wisconsin has quadrupled over the past two decades to roughly 1,100. As a result, you are also more likely to encounter one. The good news is that wolves aren’t aggressive towards humans. If you happen to come across one, you must keep a safe distance away from it. It is also important to keep your pets out of harm’s way since they have been known to attack dogs.

3. Cougars

Despite being native to Wisconsin, the cougar population has been greatly reduced by hunting over hundreds of years. The sighting of a cougar is rare today, but it has become more common in recent years. The state has reported 76 confirmed or probable cougar sightings between 2017 and 2021. The cougar is a solitary animal and is rarely dangerous, but keeping your distance is the best thing to do. It is recommended that if you come across a cougar, you slowly back away while keeping an eye on it simultaneously.

4. Rattlesnakes

It is estimated that 21 different snake species live in Wisconsin. Despite this, only the timber rattlesnake and the eastern massasauga rattlesnake should be considered the true fearsome snakes of Wisconsin. Only a small portion of Wisconsin is home to these two snakes, typically found in southwest Wisconsin. Keep your distance, or leave these snakes alone if you see one.

5. Mosquitoes

It might not seem like it, but mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous animals in Wisconsin. There are fewer mosquitoes that can carry diseases in Wisconsin, but they still may be able to infect you. Mosquitoes are more than just an annoyance that leaves you with itchy bumps. There are many diseases they can transmit as well, including the West Nile virus. As a result of the virus, four Wisconsin residents died in 2017. Additionally, these nagging insects have been linked to La Crosse encephalitis. Most cases do not show symptoms, but severe cases can result in seizures, comas, and paralysis.

6. Brown Recluse Spiders

Northern widows and brown recluses are among the venomous spider species found in Wisconsin’s northern and southern parts. The brown recluse spider has a violin-shaped marking near its head and a tan body about 1/3″ long. They usually infest cedar shake roofs and spin irregular webs that they use as a refuge. Even though brown recluse spiders aren’t common in Wisconsin, they made headlines in 2018 after biting a few people in Chippewa Valley. Although bites are rarely fatal, swelling and infection may occur as a result of them.

7. Bears

A list of the most dangerous animals in Wisconsin wouldn’t be complete without bears, the state’s top predator. The state of Wisconsin is home to a large population of black bears, which is estimated to number over 24,000 bears. In the northern third of the state, the black bears’ primary range is located in areas that are remote from the city. As the population grows, bears are becoming more common in the lower two-thirds of the state. In reality, though, the chances of being attacked by a bear are very low. Most bear attacks in the state happen when dogs and bears bump into each other, and a person steps in to protect the animal. Finally, the last species on our list of the most dangerous animals in Wisconsin will definitely blow you away!

8. White-Tailed Deer

You may initially be shocked to find the white-tailed deer on this list. After all, deer are absolutely adorable and generally harmless creatures. So why is it listed as one of the most dangerous animals in Wisconsin? Well, it’s because of how often people collide with deer on the roadways. According to State Farm, Wisconsin motorists had a 1 in 56 chance of colliding with an animal in the past year. So when it comes to staying safe, it’s all about being alert on the road as you drive through the beautiful state.