Get to Know the Golden Retriever’s Coat

Before we can understand the shedding habits of the golden retriever, we should first discuss the details of its coat. Golden retrievers have a beautiful double coat that consists of a short and plush undercoat and a long and luxurious top coat. Each layer of their coat works to protect them against both the cold and hot seasons ahead, and they will shed appropriately based on the environment they are in. Anytime a dog has a double coat, you can usually assume it will be prone to shedding.

How Much Do Golden Retrievers Shed?

Since golden retrievers have a double coat, this means they will be prone to daily and seasonal shedding. Golden retrievers are often classified as moderate to heavy shedders based on the time of the year, so shedding is something you should get used to when you have a golden retriever in your home. In fact, you can expect to gather some loose fur in your hand each time you pet your golden retriever. You’ll see a bit of fur left behind on its resting spots, and you will likely need to vacuum frequently to manage stray fur around your home.

When Do Golden Retrievers Shed the Most?

A golden retriever will shed moderately throughout the year, but there are certain times of the year that it will shed even more than usual. These periods are typically referred to as its “coat blowing season”, and this is when its body prepares for the upcoming change of weather. Most golden retrievers will blow their coat during the spring to prepare for summer, as well as during the fall in preparation for winter. In the spring they will shed their plush fur in an effort to tolerate the heat easier, and in the fall they will trade out their thin fur for a warmer coat. During these periods, you will notice that your golden retriever is shedding much more than usual and that it is more challenging to keep up with its fur loss around your home.

Why Is My Golden Retriever Shedding So Much?

If you have a beautiful golden retriever and notice that it is losing more fur than usual, you might be searching for any possible explanation for its increased shedding. We want to help you get to the bottom of your golden retriever’s increased shedding, so let’s break down the potential underlying factors below.

The Golden Retriever Is Blowing Its Coat

As we discussed above, you will notice an increase in shedding if your golden retriever is blowing out its coat due to the change in seasons. You will typically notice this during the spring or fall months, and this period of increased shedding will typically last for a month at a time. Its fur loss can be quite excessive during this period, so we suggest brushing it daily to make sure you can keep up with the stray fur around your home.

The Golden Retriever Is Shedding Its Puppy Fur

If your golden retriever is shedding excessively between the age of 6-12 months, then it might be shedding its puppy coat! Golden Retriever puppies will typically sport a soft and fuzzy coat until the age of 6 months, and they will then begin to shed their puppy fuzz and make way for their smooth adult fur. During this period, you will typically see an increase in their shedding amounts, and it should last for a month at most.

The Golden Retriever Has Skin Irritation from Allergies

Golden Retrievers are most known for developing allergy symptoms involving their ears and paws, but these pups can experience skin allergies that impact their coat as well. Golden retrievers can develop allergies to anything in the surrounding environment, ranging from perfumes in your home to the grass they play in each day. Skin allergies in golden retrievers can lead to excessive shedding, patches of fur loss, itchy skin, skin redness, sores on the skin, ear infections, and even irritated eyes. Allergies in dogs often require the help of your veterinary team to properly manage, so we suggest having your pup seen by a vet if you are suspicious of canine allergies.

The Golden Retriever Has Itchy Fleas or Skin Mites

Unfortunately for the golden retriever pups in our family, they can be exposed to tiny critters that wreak havoc on their skin and coat health. Creatures such as fleas and skin mites can set up camp within your dog’s fur and on its skin, leading to significant irritation the longer they are present. These ectoparasites can cause skin itching, excessive shedding, patches of fur loss, skin redness, skin infections, sores on the skin, and even ear infections. If you see any of the symptoms we just mentioned or see a crawling critter yourself, we recommend reaching out to your vet to get your dog started on a proper ectoparasite treatment and prevention.

The Golden Retriever Is Undergoing Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can also be an underlying factor when it comes to excessive shedding in intact female dogs. Your female golden retriever may shed more than usual when it is in heat, as well as the 8 weeks after it gives birth. If your golden retriever is not yet spayed or just had puppies, this could be the cause of its increased shedding amounts.

The Golden Retriever Has Ongoing Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can deeply impact our golden retriever friends. Dogs can become stressed when anything in their environment changes, and this can lead to excessive fur loss in some cases. Dogs can become overwhelmed with things such as moving to a new home, being left alone for extended periods, a new person in the home, a new animal in the home, and even the absence of an owner. If your dog is shedding more than usual, and you cannot link it to any causes we listed above, we suggest examining its life for any stressful factors.

How to Manage Golden Retriever Shedding

Since most Golden Retrievers will shed a fair amount throughout the year, many of their parents will search for the most effective ways to manage their shedding. We want you to have all the tools needed to keep your home as fluff free as possible, so let’s list the most effective ways to cut down on your Golden Retrievers’ shedding below.

Frequently Brush Your Golden Retriever

Brushing your golden retriever at least 3 times per week is a wonderful way to make its shedding amounts manageable. Not only can frequent brushing help to catch the loose fur that would soon fall onto your floor, but it will also help to stimulate the natural oil production on its skin. This brushing can help to moisturize its skin with natural oils, which can often cut down on its daily fur loss.

Using Shedding Tools on Your Golden Retriever

Shedding tools are another great way to manage your golden retriever’s shedding during high shedding periods. By using a de-shedding brush once per week, you can tackle that stubborn undercoat and remove loose fur before it has a chance to cling to your furniture or floor. If you would like some guidance in finding the best shedding brush for your golden retriever, we suggest taking a look at our detailed guide on the four best shedding brushes for dogs.

Offering a Quality Diet to Your Golden Retriever

If you think your golden retriever’s skin and coat health needs some extra attention, the first thing you should assess is its diet. Nutrition plays a major role in a dog’s coat health, as your pup requires an abundance of ingredients to help its skin thrive. If you require some help with finding a high-quality diet for your golden retriever, you can take a look at our guide on the best dog foods for golden retrievers.

Final Thoughts

Your beloved golden retriever may shed quite a bit, but there are ways to make its shedding more manageable. If your canine friend seems to be losing more fur than usual, we encourage you to go over the possibilities we discussed above. Don’t also reach out to your vet if you think it requires more skin and coat health than you can offer at home.

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