Adult bald eagles are big, weighing almost as much as a house cat. But their power extends far beyond physical size; they also have a lot of spirit. Seeing an eagle soar high in the sky creates a sense of wonder. They reflect our souls, spirit, and the fire of life. What does the eagle want to tell you? Read on to find out about eagle spirit animal symbolism and meaning.

Eagle as a Spirit Animal

If the eagle is your spirit animal, you have a strong spirit. You might not realize it now, but you’re one influential person! Everything you went through in life has led up to this moment. Don’t let your vision get stuck looking at the past. Don’t spend too much time fretting over what’s to come. Look from the eagle’s point of view, up high in the sky. 

What the Eagle Teaches Us

Eagles are aware of their environments. They look at life from up high. Eagles can see prey even when they’re at altitudes of 1,000 feet. They use their beak designed for crushing and ripping to get what they want. They also know when to look at the big picture and when to zoom in on the details. It’s hard to fool an eagle. What can we learn from the way of the eagle? These powerful birds of prey teach us to be swift and focused. Express your true self, and find out what you really want. The more you grow your awareness, the more you’ll open up to new possibilities.

Understanding Eagle Symbolism

Eagles symbolize spirit, freedom, and self-expression. Eagles also have a solid connection to the element of air. This connection reminds us that we are more than just physical beings; we have a spiritual side as well. Our thoughts and intentions create who we become.

What Does It Mean if You See an Eagle?

Spirit animals and animal symbolism are personal. You and a friend can see the same animal simultaneously, and it can still have a different meaning for each of you. Here are a few of the most popular interpretations: Seeing an eagle can be a reminder to embrace the warmth of life. Texts from a friend, playing with your dog, laughing out loud, there’s a lot of warmth to enjoy. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the eagle stood for the soul, spirit, and warmth of life. Seeing an eagle can mean it’s time to try something new. Put your talents to the test and fly higher than ever before. You might fail, but that’s okay. When you’re true to your eagle nature, you can awaken a higher sense of healing, spirituality, passion, and creativity. Seeing an eagle can mean there’s a big choice in your life that you need to make a decision on. Hover over all possibilities, and use your eagle insight and wisdom to listen to your heart. Seek wise counsel from trusted friends and colleagues. Then make a choice with certainty.

Questions to Ask When You See an Eagle

What is the eagle spirit animal trying to tell you? When you see an eagle in your dreams or waking life, try asking yourself a few questions.

Is there something in your life weighing you down?What’s the biggest decision you’re facing?Did you recently have a spiritual awakening?Are you working a lot but struggling financially?

Eagles have a different message for everyone. Be quiet with yourself after asking these self-discovery questions. You’ll be impressed with what types of answers start to surface.

Positive Attributes of Eagle Energy

How can you know if the eagle is your spirit animal? People who identify with eagle energy are:


For better or worse, when you have something to say, you will say it. It goes against your nature to hold things back or pretend things are okay when they’re not. Eagles are spirited birds of prey; there’s nothing meek or timid about them.  You’re the type of person who is always trying new things, even scary things. Eagles are courageous creatures that soar to great heights and make daring dives.  Do your friends tell you that you have an old soul? Have you always felt comfortable hanging out with people older than you? Eagles have ancient wisdom, allowing them to survive. If you’ve always felt like you had an innate way of knowing things, the eagle and you have something in common. Are you a visionary? Whether you’re a photographer, painter, musician, public speaker, writer, or something else creative, you can relate to the eagle’s lifestyle. Eagles are visionaries, always looking out at the world and seeing what opportunities lay ahead. In Native American tradition, eagles will take your message to the spirit world and return with a vision.

Shortcomings of Eagle Energy

While eagle energy has many positive attributes, there are also some potential drawbacks. People who identify with eagle energy may:


There’s a reason the eagle is known as the king of the sky. You and eagle-like to be in charge and may have difficulty relinquishing control. Eagles are natural leaders, but they can also be bossy. If you always want to take the lead, make sure you’re giving others a chance to shine, too. Do people tell you that you need to learn to slow down? If you’re always rushing and trying to get things done as quickly as possible, you may be impatient. Eagles are known for their speed and efficiency, but sometimes it’s important to take your time. Just like the eagle, you can come across as arrogant. You have a lot of confidence, which is great, but make sure you don’t let it take over. Remember that you’re not better than anyone else; you’re just different.

How to Live Like an Eagle

Embrace your spirit animal’s positive attributes and use them to improve your life. Ready to take flight? Here’s how to live like an eagle: Eagles are natural leaders, so if you want to move up in your career, start taking charge. Show your boss that you’re capable of leading by taking on additional responsibility at work. If you’re self-employed, focus on networking and marketing yourself as an expert in your field. When you put yourself out there, opportunities will come your way. Eagles are also known for their courage, so if you’re in a relationship that isn’t making you happy, it may be time to take flight. Don’t be afraid to end things with someone who isn’t treating you as you deserve. You deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you. Finally, eagles are wise creatures that know how to survive. This wisdom can also be applied to your finances. Make sure you’re saving up for a rainy day and investing your money wisely. Eagles are creatures of habit, so once you find a financial plan that works for you, stick with it.

Similar Spirit Animals 

When the eagle is your spirit animal, you find it easy to keep friends. This is especially true when those friends have a complimenting spirit animal. When the eagle is your spirit animal, you may also identify with these other powerful animals:


You can have more than one spirit animal. If you’re looking for a more positive spirit animal, the hawk is a good choice. Hawks are also powerful predators that can spot their prey from great heights.

Opposing Spirit Animals 

There are a few spirit animals that may oppose the eagle, depending on how you live your life. These spirit animals include:


While these animals may not be predators like the eagle, they can still offer some sage advice. If you find yourself being bossy or arrogant, the turkey can teach you about being humble. The duck can also help you to slow down and enjoy life instead of rushing through it. Finally, the chicken can show you the importance of working together as a team.

Get in Touch With Your Inner Eagle

If the eagle has flown into your life, it’s time to soar to new heights. Connecting with your inner eagle can be a lot of fun, and there are a ton of ways to go about it. Here are a few activities to help you tune into your eagle energy:

Perch for an Hour

Hunting takes up very little of the eagle’s life. They’re so good at getting food eagles can afford to spend time relaxing. Embody the eagle’s way of spending time wisely by scheduling downtime this week. 

See Like an Eagle

It’s time for you to see the world through the eyes of an eagle. Take a trip to a state park that has a viewing tower or observation tower. Bring a pair of binoculars, and look out over the land.  

Spread Your Wings

A bald eagle’s wing span can reach over seven feet long! Spread your wings like an eagle and walk around, taking up space. Mimicking animal movements is a great way to enter new thought spaces. Embrace your eagle spirit animal and feel your free spirit grow.

Choosing the Eagle as Your Spirit Guide 

The eagle is a powerful bird of prey that symbolizes courage, strength, and wisdom. Let the wisdom of the eagle guide you on your journey through life. If you have recently experienced a loss or setback, take on an eagle mentality of soaring to new heights. Overcome challenges and move forward with your life. You can do it!

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