We’re going to break down a fight between the Barbary lion and the Amur tiger, also called the Siberian tiger. We’ll use data from the biggest species ever confirmed or reliably rumored to see which one has the highest chance of winning a battle!

Comparing the Largest Lion Ever and the Largest Tiger Ever

What Are the Key Differences Between the Largest Lion Ever and the Largest Tiger Ever?

The biggest differences between the largest lion ever and the largest tiger ever are found in their size, defenses, and predatory behaviors. The largest lion ever weighed about 690 pounds, stood 3.2 feet tall, and measured 9 feet 2 inches long. Yet, the largest tiger ever weighed 923 pounds, stood about 3 feet tall at the shoulder, and measured 10 feet 11 inches long. While the largest lion relied on its pride for defense, it also had a large, strong body. The largest tiger was a solo hunter that used stealth, speed, and senses to stay clear of danger. While the largest lion ever could have been a cursorial or ambush hunter, tigers are only ambush hunters, preferring to stalk their prey and strike. These differences will have an impact on the fight, but we need more information before we make a final ruling.

What Are the Key Factors in a Fight Between the Largest Lion Ever and the Largest Tiger Ever?

In a battle of this magnitude, we have to consider several dimensions of the fight. We have to know how each animal matches up against the other in elements of speed, size, offense, and more. We’re going to evaluate each animal in five categories. We’ll compare the information we gather and determine which of them has an advantage in every category. We’ll see how the advantages play out in the battle, and then we’ll finally call one animal the winner.  

Largest Lion Ever vs Largest Tiger Ever: Size

The largest tiger ever was bigger than the largest lion ever in most measures. The Amur tiger weighed about 923 pounds, stood 3 feet tall at the shoulder, and grew 10 feet 11 inches long. The barbary lion weighed 690 pounds, stood about 3.2 feet tall at the shoulder, and grew 9 feet 2 inches. Size is important in this battle, so the tiger has a pretty big advantage.

Largest Lion Ever vs. Largest Tiger Ever: Speed

Both the largest lion ever and the largest tiger ever had a top speed that meets or exceeds 50 mph. Both creatures use that burst of speed to close in on prey and take them to the ground. On average, they can comfortably run between 25 and 35mph. Still, some people claim that the Amur tiger can run up to 60 mph, but data is lacking on that account. With that being said, the two animals are tied in terms of their speed.

Largest Lion Ever vs. Largest Tiger Ever: Defenses

The largest lion ever relied on its pride for protection since a group of lions is something that few animals would be willing to cross. Without a pride, the lion was still a formidable, powerful creature that would require multiple foes to take it down. Lions are hunters with keen senses that help them identify prey and threats alike. Unlike the barbary lions, the Amur tiger is mostly a solitary animal. Still, they can be hard to see with their unique fur color and patterns that provide camouflage in various situations. They also have powerful senses to keep them safe along with a massive, powerful body that makes it very difficult to attack and kill a lion. All told, these two creatures are tied for defenses simply because this fight is a one-on-one and not a pride vs a single tiger.

Largest Lion Ever vs. Largest Tiger Ever: Offensive Capabilities

The offensive powers of the largest lion ever were robust. This creature would have a bite force between 650 and 1,000 PSI along with large teeth that could measure 3.9 inches long! The lion could use powerful bites to disable or outright kill its prey. They also have sharp claws and powerful limbs capable of delivering a strong swipe. The largest tiger ever also relied on using a deadly bite to take down its opponent. They had a 1,000 PSI bite force along with canines that measure 3 inches or a little over. They also have 4-inch-long claws and insanely powerful legs that help them deliver strong swipe attacks to gash prey open or bat them around. Also, they have immense raw physical strength believed to exceed that of a lion.  All in all, the tiger has a slight edge in terms of offensive power.

Largest Lion Ever vs. Largest Tiger Ever: Predatory Behavior

The largest lion ever hunted like other lions. When they hunted with their pride, they would use endurance predation to wear down their foes before delivering fatal strikes. When they worked alone, they would prefer to ambush their prey and end the fight quickly. Tigers hunt alone in the vast majority of cases since they are more solitary animals. These big cats strike from a hidden position and overwhelm their prey with their power and precise attacks. They usually bite their prey on the neck, deeply puncturing this vital area while also suffocating their prey. Tigers have a small advantage here because they are used to fighting alone, whereas lions are not.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between the Largest Lion Ever and the Largest Tiger Ever?

The largest tiger ever would win a fight against the largest lion ever. Simply put, the largest tiger was bigger, most likely stronger, and used to fighting alone. The fight would be vicious and brutal if it started on even, open ground. Lions are aggressive in their own right, but the tiger would probably be the one to initiate the fight, charging into the lion and beginning the flurry of fur, claws, and teeth. Unless the tiger sinks its teeth into the lion’s neck immediately, the fight would probably drag out. The two would bite and claw each other while jockeying for a superior position over the other. It seems far more likely that the larger, stronger, and more experienced solo fighter comes out on top, but that’s not to say the lion can’t win. The right bite at the proper time is all it needs to turn the tables. Still, given what we know, the battle of the largest lion ever vs the largest tiger ever ends in favor of the striped cat.

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