Audrey ficus trees are more upright than their cousin, the fiddle leaf fig. They grow between 6-10 feet tall, but their leaves are much smaller than those of the fiddle leaf fig, about half as big. Audrey ficus trees also have brighter green leaves than their cousin, which are more olive-colored. You can prune into different shapes and sizes depending on what you want! Fiddle leaf figs look great in any room. Their large leaves give off a tropical vibe that makes them perfect for the living room or office space. The dark green color makes them stand out against light-colored walls or bright furniture, but if you want something more subtle, consider painting the wall behind your plant white so that it blends in better. Let’s compare the difference between ficus Audrey and fiddle leaf fig!

Comparing Ficus Audrey and Fiddle Leaf Fig

Ficus Audrey vs. Fiddle Leaf Fig: Classification and Origin

There are a whopping 850 species in the Ficus genus consisting of vines, woody trees, shrubs, and much more. Fig trees are normally tropical plants making them easy to care for and grow. However, they need temperate climates to thrive. Ficus Audrey and fiddle leaf figs are closely related in appearance and growing habits, but the shape of their leaves can help you to distinguish between them. Ficus Audrey is native to many areas across southwestern Asia, Pakistan, and India. On the other hand, the fiddle leaf fig, Ficus lyrata, grows across western Africa in lowland tropical rainforests, and native plants can grow to 49 feet tall. Both trees have important cultural and economic significance.

Ficus Audrey vs. Fiddle Leaf Fig: Description

First of all, let’s talk about why we love ficus Audrey. Well, for one thing, it’s super easy to take care of! It doesn’t need a ton of watering. Just leave it out in the sun for a few hours each day, and it’ll be happy as anything. And what about its appearance? It’s got thick leaves that look like huge fans surrounding its trunk, and they’re dark green with white veins running through them like branches on a tree (but don’t worry, they won’t fall off). Ficus Audrey is a beautiful tree that grows to 10 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide when potted. However, ficus Audrey trees can reach an impressive 70 feet tall in their natural environment! The leaves are oval-shaped and around three inches wide with prominent veins. They are dark green and thick with a velvet texture. Fiddle leaf fig grows to around six feet tall, but some can reach 10 feet. The leaves are violin-shaped, beautiful dark green, glossy, and veiny, making them a gorgeous focal point in any modern room. The trunk is firm but looks delicate. Both ficus Audrey and fiddle leaf fig are toxic to cats and dogs. So be sure to keep your ficus plants out of reach of your fur babies.

Ficus Audrey vs. Fiddle Leaf Fig: Uses

Ficus Audrey and fiddle leaf fig are ornamental trees that many gardeners love to grow in their homes and yard. The fiddle leaf fig won the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit due to its quality and growing performance. They not only make excellent indoor plants, but they grow beautifully outdoors.

Ficus Audrey vs. Fiddle Leaf Fig: How to Grow

How to Grow Ficus Audrey

Ficus Audrey is easier to grow than fiddle leaf fig, but it still has specific growing needs and care. They have become a staple of interior design for their ability to add color and style to any room. The ficus Audrey is a tropical plant that requires very little maintenance, making it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to add some green to their home but doesn’t want to spend hours caring for the plant each day. Growing ficus Audrey tips:

Partial sunlightMoist, well-draining soilConsistently moist soilTemperatures above 65 degrees Farenheight

How to Grow Fiddle Leaf Fig

The most important thing about caring for your new tree is watering it properly once you bring it home from the store or nursery. If done correctly, this will help prevent root rot which could kill off your entire tree if left unchecked. Growing fiddle leaf fig tips:

Prefers partly shady conditionsUse loamy, well-draining soilModerate amount of water requiredGrow between 60-85 degrees Farenheight

Final Thoughts

Ficus Audrey looks great in any room of your house or apartment because of its vertical shape and bright color scheme. And if you want to bring some greenery into your life without having to water it every day (or even once a week), this is definitely the plant for you! It’s a jungle out there. And you know what the best way to survive is? With a fiddle leaf fig! The fiddle leaf fig is a great way to add a touch of nature to your home or office, and it’s also super easy to care for. All you need is some water and sunlight, and your plant will thrive. You can even grow it indoors if you have the right light source.

Up Next:

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