Comparing Ghost Pepper vs. Jalapeño

The 5 Key Differences Between Ghost Peppers and Jalapeños

While ghost peppers and jalapeños are both members of the Capsicum family, that’s where the similarities end. These two peppers are at opposite ends of the heat scale, come from different parts of the world, and offer different benefits. Let’s dive into the differences in detail.

Ghost Pepper vs. Jalapeño: Classification

The jalapeño is a naturally-occurring member of the Capsicum genus in the family Solanaceae. This family of flowering nightshades originates in North and South America, with the genus and species varying between regions.  The ghost pepper is a hybrid of Capsicum chinense (habaneros) and  Capsicum frutescens (tobasco). The ghost pepper is a naturally-occurring hybrid of the two peppers, formed through cross-pollination in Asia.

Ghost Pepper vs. Jalapeño: Origin

Although the ghost pepper has only been a part of the western hemisphere for a few decades, it’s been present in India for centuries. It was known as the Bhüt Jolokia or “Bhutan Pepper” until a mistranslation resulted in its known moniker. The word “bhut” (without umlauts) translates to “ghost.” In parts of northeast India, they call it the “poison pepper” or bih zôlôkia. The jalapeño was originally cultivated in Veracruz, a state in Mexico. The name “jalapeño” translates to “of Jalapa,” the English word for Xalapa-Enríquez — the capital city of Veracruz. Despite their Mexican origins, jalapeños are the official “State Pepper of Texas.” 

Ghost Pepper vs. Jalapeño: Description

Although both ghost peppers and jalapeños are similar in shape and size they have notable visible differences. Ghost peppers are red, whereas jalapeños are usually harvested while green. Ghost peppers also have a wrinkled, rough texture while jalapeños are smooth. Finally, the jalapeño has a longer, oblong shape while the ghost pepper is slightly more triangular.  The flavors are quite different. In addition to the extreme difference in spice, ghost peppers have a sweeter taste. The jalapeño tends to be more bitter and vegetal.

Ghost Pepper vs. Jalapeño: Uses

Ghost peppers and jalapeños are both used in sauces, salsas, and hot sauces. As jalapeños are more palatable, they’re often featured in appetizers like nachos and jalapeño poppers for spice.  The high Scoville rating of ghost peppers has led some innovators to weaponize this pepper. Scientists have developed chili grenades as a non-toxic form of crowd control. It’s also used in some pepper sprays. In 2015, the Indian Army effectively ousted a terrorist using chili grenades. 

Ghost Pepper vs. Jalapeño: Growth Tips

Jalapeño plants are easy to grow. Start the seeds indoors at temperatures between 65 and 80 F, and transfer them to the garden or a patio pot after the risk of frost has passed. It takes approximately three weeks for jalapeño plants to germinate. Place the peppers in full sun and water often. Ghost peppers tend to be tricker, as they need heat and humidity similar to their natural environment. Start seeds indoors in temperatures between 80 and 90F. Use a humidifier to cultivate the seeds. Ghost peppers take 4 to 6 weeks to germinate. Transfer the sprouts to a greenhouse after the risk of frost has passed. Keep the soil warm and wet. 

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