Two of the World’s Largest Freshwater Fish Have Officially Been Declared Extinct

A “river monster” isn’t really what it sounds like at first. The expression was popularized by the show that shares the name, but it simply means a massive freshwater fish that lives in a river. We generally consider the ocean the home of large fish, but lurking beneath the rapids of some rivers are creatures that rival some of the larger fish in the oceans. ©Alneth / CC BY-SA 4.0 – License

Among those “river monsters” are the Yangtze sturgeon and the Chinese paddlefish. These fish deemed “the last giants of the Yangtze,” have been officially declared extinct by scientists. These amazing fish have lived in the Yangtze River for a very long time, with some estimates placing the Yangtze sturgeon as a 140 million-year-old tenant. The Yangtze sturgeon was generally considered a living fossil (like many other surgeons) and had the typical bony and elongated appearance that most surgeons share. The Chinese paddlefish was known for its long silver body and long snout that it sensed prey with. The Yangtze sturgeon still has hope, albeit slim. There are still some captive fish that are held in tanks and breeding programs around the region. So far, however, any attempts at placing these farmed fish into the wild have failed. The paddlefish, sadly, has no future. There are no captive specimens, and no tissue samples were ever taken of these fish. As such, they are now permanently extinct.

What Caused the Yangtze Sturgeon and Chinese Paddlefish to Go Extinct?

The fish have been living in the river for longer than humans have been around, but their sharp decline can be traced to the construction of the river’s first dam back in the 1980s. Once the dam was constructed, both fish began their decline. The Yangtze sturgeon had a migratory path that spanned from the East China Sea to where it spawned, just above the dam. The structure blocked the pathway for the fish, slowing reproduction. The Chinese paddlefish was last seen around the Three Gorges Dam in 2003, showing just how detrimental they were to native wildlife. ©isabel kendzior/ Aside from the damming, the fish were also the victims of overfishing. Ancient Chinese emperors considered the paddlefish a delicacy, while the caviar of the sturgeon was extremely valuable. Overfishing, combined with pollution and damming, were the final nails in the coffin for the last of the Yangtze river monsters.

All About the Yangtze Sturgeon

CAPTION: The Yangtze sturgeon (also known as the Chinese or Dabry’s sturgeon) is only alive on breeding farms and not in the wild.

How Big Was the Yangtze Sturgeon?

The Yangtze sturgeon is considered one of the larger freshwater fish in the world. They can reach lengths of up to 8.2 feet and are known to weigh upwards of 40 lbs. ©CC BY-SA 4.0 – License

Where Did the Yangtze Sturgeon Live?

The Yangtze sturgeon had a historical range that encompassed the entire Yangtze River basin. They are known to spawn in the upper regions of the basin and travel down towards the East China Sea.

What Did the Yangtze Sturgeon Eat?

These sturgeon are known as “benthic” predators, meaning that they mostly eat along the bottom. They are known to eat crustaceans, mollusks, small fish, and insects.

All About the Chinese Paddlefish

How Big Was the Chinese Paddlefish?

The Chinese paddlefish was quite a bit larger than the sturgeon. They have been recorded up to 23 feet long and was recognized as one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. The maximum weight recorded was around 660 lbs. ©Alneth / CC BY-SA 4.0 – License

Where Did the Chinese Paddlefish Live?

The Chinese paddlefish was found exclusively in the Yangtze River basin and the estuaries around the East China Sea. It would generally stay in the river but would also venture into lakes around the area.

What Did the Chinese Paddlefish Eat?

The Chinese paddlefish mostly ate other fish, namely anchovies, gobies, catfish, and even flounder. They also occasionally ate crabs and shrimp.

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