Comparing a Gorgosaurus vs T-rex

The 5 Key Differences Between a Gorgosaurus vs T-rex

The key differences between gorgosaurus and t-rex include their size and speed. The t-rex was larger but slower than the gorgosaurus. The average t-rex measured somewhere between 11,000 pounds and 15,000 pounds, stood almost 20 feet tall, and measured about 40 feet long. This dinosaur could only run about 17 mph, though. The gorgosaurus only weighed about 6,600 pounds at maximum, stood about 10 feet tall, and measured about 30 feet long. This creature was faster than the t-Rex, though, capable of running about 20 mph. Those differences in size and speed are significant to this fight, too.

What Are the Key Factors in a Fight Between Gorgosaurus vs T-rex?

When we consider two dinosaurs fighting each other, we can’t and shouldn’t focus on every little detail. Instead, we need to consider five factors that determine an outcome of a fight in the wild. So, instead of looking at how sharp the nails were on these dinosaurs’ small arms, we’re going to focus on speed, size, defenses, and offensive power along with how they preyed on other creatures. That will tell us all we need to determine a winner in this fight.

Gorgosaurus vs T-rex: Size

The t-rex was larger than the gorgosaurus. An average t-rex could weigh as much as 15,000 pounds, stood about 20 feet tall, and measured about 40 feet long. That is much larger than its opponent. Gorgosaurus only weighed up to 6,600 pounds, was about 10 feet tall, and grew about 30 feet long. Although gorgosaurus was an impressive creature, it was very small compared to the t-rex. T-rex has the size advantage.

Gorgosaurus vs T-rex: Speed

Gorgosaurus was faster than t-rex on flat ground. A gorgosaurus could run at speeds up to 20 mph with its powerful, muscular legs. T-rex was a massive creature with strong legs, but it could only muster a speed of about 17 mph. Gorgosaurus has the speed advantage in this fight.

Gorgosaurus vs T-rex: Defenses

Both gorgosaurus and t-rex had very similar defenses. They used their size to ward off attacks along with their speed to get away from harmful situations. Furthermore, they both probably hunted in packs, giving them extra pairs of eyes to identify prey and counter-attack any foes. Although their defensive methods are the same, the gorgosaurus and t-rex were not equal. Given the large size disparity and the relatively small speed disparity, it’s fair to say that the T-rex had a defensive advantage.

Gorgosaurus vs T-rex: Offensive Capabilities

The t-rex had massive offensive powers as a result of its enormous biting power and senses. From what scientists can tell, t-rex had a great sense of sight and smell to help it locate prey. When it found its prey, it could chase them down and dominate them with its size. A t-rex had up to 60 teeth that were D-shaped and serrated. They were perfect for plunging into flesh and causing severe damage to internal organs. Also, they measured up to 12 inches each while the jaws exerted a bite force of upward of 57,000 Newtons! Gorgosaurus was impressive too. It had 60 or more teeth that were long and serrated, measuring between 4 and 5 inches. Yet, the dinosaur’s bite force at a smaller size could have exceeded the low-end estimates for T-rex! A study found that gorgosaurus may have had a bite power of 42,000 Newtons. So, if it was the size of a t-rex, it may have been able to bite even harder! Biting isn’t everything, though, but it would have been necessary to deal a fatal blow to the t-rex. Fortunately, gorgosaurus was agile and fast. All in all, though, T-rex has the advantage in offensive powers because of its immense size and power.  

Gorgosaurus vs T-rex: Predatory Behaviors

The t-rex and gorgosaurus had remarkably similar predatory behaviors. Both creatures probably hunted and scavenged in packs, using their size and power to knock over prey or rend flesh from them. They were both apex predators during the time they walked the earth. This fight is tied in terms of predatory behaviors.  

Gorgosaurus vs T-rex: Who Wins in a Fight?

A t-rex would beat a gorgosaurus in a fight. The rules of the wild are simple when it comes to fights. The larger, more powerful creature typically wins unless the opponent has an ace up its sleeve like venom, an excessive amount of speed and agility, or another tool that could be used to exploit the weak spot of its foe. The gorgosaurus was faster and more agile than t-rex, but not so much that the larger creature wouldn’t be able to land an attack. T-rex doesn’t need to strike often to deal a fatal blow to the smaller creature. On flat land, the gorgosaurus would make use of its speed and agility to attack the t-rex, possibly going for its legs and flanks. But every time gorgosuarus bites there is a risk. That pause to sink its teeth in could catch up with it. T-rex only has to bite once to clamp down on the smaller creature’s spine or head, and that would end the fight. Although it may come away with some puncture wounds, the t-rex would win if the two were set on fighting. Otherwise, the gorgosaurus would probably avoid a t-rex.In the same way that a juvenile dinosaur would have trouble facing an adult, a gorgosaurus would be outmatched by a t-rex.

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