The peace lily can get quite large, but its size depends on a number of factors. In this article, we’ll take a look at how big these plants get, how fast they grow, and how to ensure your plant grows large and healthy.

How Big Do Peace Lilies Get?

Depending on the kind you are cultivating, peace lilies can grow up to a certain size. In general, these plants grow to a maximum height of four feet indoors and a maximum size of six feet outdoors. But the Spathiphyllum genus of plants contains a wide variety of species and cultivars, each having a unique maximum size. The tiniest type is called Spathiphyllum ‘Petite’. With a maximum height of approximately eight inches, this plant is ideal for your bedroom. The most popular species of peace lily that is cultivated indoors is Spathiphyllum wallisii. The largest size that this little plant may grow to is between 14 and 15 inches. This plant’s lovely spathes and flowers have a diameter of around three inches. Another popular variant of the Spathiphyllum wallisii species is Spathiphyllum wallisii ‘Mauna Loa Supreme’. The greatest size of the leaves is nine inches long and five inches wide. The plant itself has a maximum height of four feet. The size of the flowers on this cultivar is around seven inches. The flower spathes of this type typically measure around four inches. They are supported by 18 to 24-inch tall, long, green stalks. Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum is another species worth considering. While less common as a houseplant, this plant can grow up to 30 inches tall and wide. Spathiphyllum floribundum is a South American peace lily that is also known as the snowflower. This species has more oval leaves than other similar species, which can become as long as eight inches and as wide as three-and-a-half inches.  The variegated species of Spathiphyllum ‘Domino’ is categorized as a medium-sized peace lily. At maturity, it grows to a maximum size of 30 inches. It’s interesting to see that as the plant ages, the variegation varies. Another fantastic peace lily that becomes rather big is called Spathiphyllum ‘Sensation’, and it works well in homes with lots of room. It may go as big as four to six feet wide and tall. The 20-inch-long, thick, paddle-shaped leaves can develop fully with the right amount of care. This plant species and variety is considered the largest of its genus. Keep in mind that in addition to these species and varieties will vary in size depending on where they are planted, how well they are maintained, and how old the plant is.

How Large Do Peace Lilies Grow Indoors?

We covered the fact that there are many species and cultivars of the peace lily, which are all part of the Spathiphyllum genus. The species and variety you choose will likely grow to different heights and widths when grown indoors. However, most types of peace lilies will grow to a similar size when grown properly indoors. This plant may reach heights and widths of one to four feet when grown indoors. The bright green leaves often grow to a maximum of 10 inches in size. Household variants typically measure 16 inches in length and 10 inches in breadth.

How Large Do Peace Lilies Grow Outdoors?

Although most will flourish in zones 10 and 11, peace lilies may be grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12. The main benefit of growing this plant outside is that it will become taller than if it were grown indoors. Please be aware that these plants are not winter resistant, thus only the approved zones should be used for outdoor planting. This will guarantee that your plant gets the right amount of warmth and humidity. No matter the species or type, an outdoor peace lily may grow to a maximum height of six feet with adequate maintenance.

How Fast Do Peace Lilies Grow?

The subject of how quickly peace lilies grow is one that many people who have them or wish to have them consider. Depending on the type or species you choose, peace lilies may typically grow anywhere between one and six inches every year. It will take them three to five years to achieve adulthood. Indirect sunlight is ideal for these plants, as are temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees F and an average humidity of more than 50%. Your plant will easily grow six inches each year if these growth conditions are consistently met. This plant’s growth rate will, however, slow down in the winter, which is when these houseplants go dormant. You shouldn’t be concerned because it is a normal energy-saving practice that most plants utilize as they grow. Additionally, most peace lilies cultivated indoors don’t completely go dormant, so if you take good care of your plant, you should still see some growth during the winter.

How Long Can a Peace Lily Live?

It’s difficult to tell how long a peace lily plant, or any plant for that matter, will live. On the other hand, it is undoubtedly feasible to predict whether a plant will survive long enough to earn back your investment. These plants have a three-to-five-year lifespan on average. It seems natural that plant parents would want their plants to survive for a long period because they are renowned for their aesthetic appeal and their capacity to purify the air. Peace lilies may bloom continuously if given the right care and environmental conditions. Their flowers, depending on the species, will often last about a month or possibly even longer. While many people believe that these plants typically survive three to five years, indoor plants have been known to thrive for twenty years or longer. With tender care and lots of attention, your peace lily could be with you for a very long time.

How to Grow a Large Peace Lily

When it comes to growing a large peace lily, the most important thing you can do is properly replicate its native habitat in terms of conditions. Room temperatures, decent humidity, regular pruning, regular fertilizing, and the right amount of water will eventually yield a big, beautiful plant.  However, you should be mindful of pot size if you want your peace lily to grow large. Your plant’s development might be influenced by the size of the pot. If your plant has outgrown its container but is still housed in a small pot, the lack of room will cause its roots to become root-bound. The roots won’t be able to work well if they don’t have adequate room. You’ll immediately notice reduced development since there will be a deficiency in the water and nutrient delivery from the soil to the plant. Symptoms of this include drooping and yellowing of the leaves. As soon as you see that the peace lily is root-bound, you must transfer it to a new container to give the roots adequate room to spread out. Choose a pot that is one size larger than the plant when making your selection. For instance, a three-gallon container will be needed if your plant is two feet tall. As a general guideline, to make sure your plant is not root-bound, you should repot it once every two to three years. Peace lilies are delightful plants that come in quite a diverse range of sizes, heights, and widths. Regardless of the size you’d like to keep your plant at, these show-stopping houseplants will always draw the eye anywhere in your space due to their beautiful appearance. If you want your peace lily to grow large, remember to follow the tips and tricks we covered in this guide! Want to learn even more about this amazing plant? Check out our complete guide to peace lilies here.

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The height of Spathiphyllum varies significantly between species and varieties. The most common maximum height is four feet. Can peace lilies grow large in small pots? Peace lilies prefer smaller pots, as they don’t enjoy pots that are significantly larger than their root balls. Are peace lilies fast growers? No. Peace lilies tend to grow at a moderate pace, and they become fully mature between three and five years from sprouting.