Because this animal is so massive, that means that a lot of its organs are as well. For example, a blue whale’s brain is the largest animal brain to exist on the planet. But what about another important organ, such as the heart? How big is a heart – blue whale size? Let’s read on and find out!
Heart: Blue Whale Size
Not only is the blue whale’s brain the biggest brain on the planet, but its heart is also the biggest heart on the planet! In fact, a blue whale’s heart can weigh over 400 lb. on average and although that is massive for a heart, this only takes up 1% of the blue whale’s total body weight. Because this heart is so big, you can hear it up to 2 miles away from the ocean! When a blue whale dives, it has a slower heartbeat to save oxygen. During these dives, a blue whale’s heart can slow to about 4 to 8 beats per minute, with an all-time low of 2 beats per minute! Can you imagine a golf cart sized heart- blue whale size – only beating 2 beats per minute?
Is The Blue Whale The Largest Animal?
There are a variety of reasons why the blue whale is unique, but its size is certainly one of them. Aside from the fact that it has an enormous heart and body, the blue whale is also the largest animal to exist on the planet. They also have the largest babies on the planet, with a gestation period of between 10 and 12 months. The 100-foot-long gentle giant has a tongue that may weigh as much as an elephant. Another fun fact about the blue whale is that it’s also the loudest animal on the planet. The calls of this whale are almost as loud as a jet plane, reaching about 180 decibels. They admit very loud and very structured, repetitive low-frequency sounds that travel for many miles underwater!
Have There Been Any Animals Bigger Than The Blue Whale?
There has been no other animal on earth that is larger than the blue whale. In fact, it’s the largest animal to ever exist, surpassing the ancient megalodon, the largest shark to exist. The only other animal that has come close to a blue whale’s size would be the fin whale. It has reached lengths of 85 feet and has weights of 80 tons, that’s about 160,000 pounds! The blue whale, however, has this beat by an extra 15 feet and nearly doubles its weight, typically ranging anywhere from 290,000 lbs. to 330,000 lbs.
Are There Animals With Hearts Bigger Than A Blue Whale?
The blue whale has the largest heart on the planet, surpassing any other animal on Earth. The only animal that has a heart that even comes close to weighing as much as a blue whale is the humpback whale’s heart, weighing just under 400 lbs., which is the smallest average heart – blue whale size. As for land animals, the African elephant has the largest heart, weighing around 26-46 lbs. on average. To put these sizes into perspective, a human heart only weighs around 11 ounces, so you can really see just how massive these organs truly are.
Where Can You Find A Blue Whale?
A blue whale is usually found alone or within small groups in the ocean. In the northern hemisphere, you can typically see them off the gulfs of both Mexico and California, in the southern hemisphere, you can see them virtually anywhere but near the Arctic. A blue whale will swim in all oceans except the arctic, their sightings usually depend on the season. For instance, you may have a chance at spotting a blue whale in New York anytime from July through September, but you may have a better chance at spotting them off the coast of California since that’s where their populations are the highest.
Are Blue Whales Going Extinct?
Unfortunately, at this time the blue whale is considered endangered. In the 1800s and early 1900s, the blue whale was driven to near extinction due to the dangerous whaling industry. Fortunately, in 1966 the species of whale was protected from commercial whaling because of the international convention for the regulation of whaling. Since then, populations have been able to be maintained however, they have not been substantial enough to change their conservation status from endangered.
In Conclusion
You can see after reading about the blue whale that this animal is not only massive, but it is also magnificent in its own way. It has lived on the earth for nearly 1.25 million years and has continued to amaze us since. This beautiful giant is not only king of the ocean but the king of the world when discussing its size. Not to forget, its big, 400 lb. heart contributes to the fact that this animal is also incredibly gentle and curious towards humans. In fact, to put any questioning mind at ease, it is virtually impossible for a blue whale to even eat a human. Usually, if a blue whale spots a human, it will display curiosity and at times even display the urge to play. These gentle giants are uniquely beautiful and magnificent creatures!