How Dangerous Are Mountain Lions?

Mountain lions are very dangerous animals that are capable of killing creatures larger than themselves. They have great hunting senses that help them spot prey along with sharp claws and powerful bites. A single bite around the throat from a mountain lion can be fatal to prey animals and humans alike. Recently, new stories have emerged about humans fighting off mountain lions. Most of the time, humans survive these attacks by killing the mountain lion or scaring it off. Rarely, humans can even kill mountain lions with their bare hands. Yet, that is difficult unless it’s a juvenile. Fully grown mountain lions can easily weigh as much as an adult, but they have far more power. The real threat from a mountain lion stems from its ability to sneak up on foes. A human may not notice a mountain lion coming up behind them until it is just a few feet away. By then, they’re already in danger.

How Many Mountain Lion Attacks Happen Each Year?

We must temper our understanding of a mountain lion’s potential danger by realizing that attacks on humans are somewhat rare. Although Washington State has a population of mountain lions that exceeds 1,500, only 20 attacks have been recorded in the last 100 years. Only two of those attacks were fatal. The animals try to bite the head and neck area while using their claws to increase damage. In North America as a whole, only about 120 attacks have happened, and 27 of them have been fatal in the last 100 years. Attacks are also rare on human beings in Central and South America, but they happen. Interestingly, some scientists believe that attacks are trending upward and becoming more common. Humans are moving into areas that were once remote. Whether that is the American Southwest or new places in the mountains of South America, humans are encroaching on mountain lions’ territory. With the potential for human interactions with mountain lions to increase, it’s important to know where they live and how to avoid them.

Where Do Mountain Lions Live?

Mountain lions can be found in North America, Central America, and South America.  They can be found mostly on the west coast of Canada and the United States of America. Here is a list of states in which you can find mountain lions in the United States:

ArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoFloridaIdahoIllinois (sightings)Iowa (sightings)Kansas (sightings)Michigan (sightings)Missouri (sightings)MontanaNebraska (sightings)NevadaNew MexicoNew York (sightings)North Dakota (sightings)Oklahoma (sightings)OregonSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahWashingtonWisconsin (sightings)Wyoming

Aside from the states marked “sightings,” the states on this list have stable populations of these apex predators. Mountain lions can be found in almost all areas of Central America, and across large swaths of South America except for the southernmost tip. Some sightings have renewed beliefs that these massive mammals live on the western coast of South America too.

How to Avoid Mountain Lions

Mountain lions don’t attack humans often. When they do, it’s a cause for concern because they have identified the human as prey. Avoiding these lions isn’t always possible if you go into their territory. That’s why we will identify some measures to avoid mountain lions. Take a look at ways to ward off these creatures:

What To Do If You Encounter a Mountain Lion

Mountain lions are ambush predators that attack humans when they appear to be an easy meal. You’ll rarely take them by surprise owing to their amazing senses, but anything is possible. If you find yourself close to a mountain lion, here’s what you need to do:

Stay calm.Move away from the mountain lion if it has not spotted you. Do not attempt to interact with the animal.If a mountain lion has spotted you, give it room to escape.Do not lose sight of the animal.Make yourself look bigger by waving your arms or using your clothes to increase your profile size.Do not turn away or bend over to pick up anything. The animal will attack.

If the animal starts behaving aggressively, then:

Yell at the animal in a loud voice.Start throwing whatever you have at the animal to make it turn away.Get ready to fight if it comes close, protecting your head and neck from the initial onslaught.Fight back with everything you have if attacked. Use sticks, rocks, pocketknives, or try to choke the animal to death.Report attacks to local authorities.

Oftentimes, the animal just wants you to leave its territory, but other times it will be hunting humans for food. Even then, it may determine that you’re not worth the trouble and move on if you appear too dangerous for it or fight back. How dangerous are mountain lions? They’re very dangerous, but they’re also not numerous or common in areas with people. As long as you know how to recognize a mountain lion and how to stay safe in the wilderness, these animals don’t have to dominate your thoughts.