Where Is The Deepest Part Of The Hudson River?

Between Gee’s Point and Constitutional Island in New York City, the Hudson River’s deepest point is known as World’s End, with a depth of 203 feet. Near Haverstraw, the river reaches a maximum width of three miles. At this moment, the river has been proclaimed to be America’s deepest. The Wisconsin glacier, the last glacial episode to occur in North America, brought high sea levels near the mouth of the river. This caused it to rise at various points, making it so deep. The Hudson River is known as a “fjord.” Fjords are long, narrow streams of water that are formed when glaciers melt. Iceland and Norway are home to the majority of the world’s fjords, so it’s noteworthy that we have one of our own in the United States!

Where Does The Hudson River Start And End?

The Hudson River begins at the Adirondack Mountains, in a place called Lake Tear of the Clouds in upstate New York, and it flows south for about 315 miles until it reaches the Atlantic Ocean in New York City. Lake Tear of the Clouds is a small lake in Essex County in New York that sits south of the highest point of the Adirondack Mountains. There are three mouths to the Hudson River; the New York Harbor, the Lower New York Bay, and the Upper New York Bay. It is said that the Upper New York Bay’s mouth of the river is where it ends to meet the Atlantic.

What Cities Does The Hudson River Run Through?

Since the Hudson River primarily runs through the state of New York, it runs through many different cities, including:

AlbanyBeaconGlens FallsHudsonJersey CityKingstonMechanicvilleNew YorkNewburghPeekskillPoughkeepsieTroyYonkers

The river serves as a political boundary between both New York and New Jersey because it runs through the Hudson Valley and borders New Jersey at its southern end. Further north of the river, it separates and serves as a boundary between different New York counties.

What Animals Live On The Hudson River?

There are about 70 distinct species of animals that inhabit the Hudson River. Not only is it the deepest river in America, but it is also one of the most diverse! The Hudson River is home to many types of wildlife, including:

AmphibiansBald EaglesBirdsCrabsCrawfishDiamondback TerrapinsOystersRiver OttersSeahorsesSnakes

The river is even known for having dolphin and humpback sightings because it’s so close to the ocean and has a plethora of fish!

The Hudson River History

Henry Hudson, an English sailor, is largely responsible for bringing attention to the Hudson River. It was formerly known as Mahicantuck, which translates to “a river that flows both ways,” before the 16th century. A Native American tribe called the Lenape lived in the area near the Hudson River, therefore it was named after them. In an estuary, saltwater and freshwater mix, causing a river to flow north and south. Because of this, the Hudson River is divided into upper and lower sections. The Hudson River becomes an estuary towards its lower reaches. This is where the river’s mouth meets the sea.


While the Hudson River is both vast and fascinating, it is facing some serious conservation issues. Pollution of the Hudson River is a genuine issue due to runoff of mercury contamination and sewage discharge, as well as urban runoff and heavy metals that have otherwise contaminated the water. Because of this, the quality of the water has gone down, and it has also caused a lot of harmful effects on both the wildlife and the aquatic life that lives in the river. This does not only affect the animals in the river, but it also affects humans who eat fish that are locally sourced. This means that it is possible for humans to eat fish that have mercury and other contaminants. To preserve this river and its wildlife, many activists and foundations have done their part and are trying to conserve this river and its beauty. Thankfully, because of these efforts, much different aquatic life has returned to the river, such as humpback whales. We can only hope that this ancient and beautiful body of water continues to thrive!