
Snakes like the green anaconda and the pit viper are not only frightening but can be fatal. The green anaconda can measure over 30 feet in length and is considered the largest snake on Earth! This snake species wraps around its prey and suffocates them to death. After, the green anaconda swallows its prey in one piece! On the other hand, the pit viper is intimidating and venomous. Their venom is formidable and likely fatal.



During his swim, Strel would go into a kind of hypnotic state, which would help distract him from physical and mental barriers. These moments allowed him to get in the zone and focus on what he needed to accomplish. In several instances, Strel would replay movies in his head or have mental conversations with God or his wife. In this way, time would melt away for Strel, empowering him to push further and focus on his goal without interruptions. Many times, Strel felt like giving up. He was separated from his crew at times and encountered a plethora of issues along the route. However, he kept his strong mentality, overcoming the obstacles and achieving his dream in the end.

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