Why Does My Dog Drip Blood After Pooping?

Before we discuss the most effective ways to help your dog with bloody poop, we should first discuss the underlying factors that could be behind their symptoms. These symptoms can range from constipation to an upset stomach. Below is a list of common causes of blood in a dog’s stool.


If your dog is constipated, the straining they experience when trying to pass stool can cause a few drops of blood in their poop. This is due to irritation of the anus, as frequent straining can cause injury to the tissue around the anus. If this is the case, you will notice that their stool appears hard or dehydrated and that your pup will spend much longer than usual trying to do their business. Thankfully for our canine friends, most cases of constipation can be resolved at home. Constipated dogs often benefit from an increase in the amount of water they drink each day. A tablespoon of pumpkin mixed in with their food as well as an increase in daily exercise can also be beneficial. If you’ve implemented these changes and your pup still appears constipated after a week, reach out to your vet for guidance.

Impacted Anal Glands

Many pet parents are surprised to learn that their dogs have anal glands that release a smelly substance each time they pass stool. The purpose of the glands is to leave behind a unique scent each time the dog poops, which helps to communicate with other dogs in the area. If your dog’s anal glands are not emptying properly each time they pass, these glands can fill up with anal sac fluid and harden. This makes it difficult for the glands to empty properly. Improperly emptied anal glands can in turn lead to an anal gland impaction or infection. If your dog has impacted or infected anal glands, this can easily lead to a few drops of blood in their stool. Their anal glands will become significantly irritated, and the pressure of trying to pass stool can make the area bleed. Dogs with impacted anal glands may also scoot on their behind frequently, lick their back end, leak smelly anal gland fluid, and even experience swelling around their anus. If you think this could be the case for your pup, we suggest having them treated by your vet. Many of these dogs will need their anal glands manually expressed. Some dogs will even require a procedure to empty the glands properly.

Anal Irritation

Irritation on your dog’s anus can also lead to drops of blood in your dog’s stool. This irritation can be a result of anything from scooting on their behind to having a disease like proctitis. If this is the case, you will likely notice a bit of blood each time your dog poops. Your dog may even appear uncomfortable during their bowel movements. Reach out to your vet if blood is present in their stool more than once, as this means there is likely an underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

Gastrointestinal Upset

If a dog is experiencing severe gastrointestinal, or GI, upset or digestive irritation, this can lead to blood in their stool. GI upset can be a result of anything from eating fatty human food to having food allergies. Repeated GI irritation will eventually lead to the presence of bright red blood in their stool. This is often accompanied by other signs of GI upset like diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and lethargy. If your dog is experiencing bloody stools and GI upset, we suggest having them seen by your vet as soon as possible. GI upset can dehydrate and harm a dog quickly. Getting your dog immediate care will offer them the best chance at a full recovery.

Mass or Growth Near the Anus

Unfortunately, blood in your dog’s stool can also be a sign of a mass or growth near the dog’s anus. A growth can emerge anywhere from the anal glands to inside the rectum. Eventually, untreated growths will cause bleeding each time your dog passes stool. These dogs may also experience pain when they are passing stool or have constipation. You may also notice your dog passing small amounts of poop at a time. In extreme cases, your dog can even have a mass protruding from the anus. If you suspect your dog has a mass, make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

My Dog Is Dripping Blood When They Poop — What To Do

Now that you know the many potential causes, let’s discuss what to do if your dog has blood in its poop.

Look Out For Other Symptoms

The first thing you should do when you notice a drop of blood in your dog’s stool is to keep an eye out for other strange symptoms or behaviors. This can include scooting their behind, licking their back end, diarrhea, difficulty passing stool, dehydrated stool, and more. By determining if they are having any other symptoms, you can begin to brainstorm what could be wrong with your pup. Having a log of their symptoms will also help your veterinary team if you need to seek medical guidance.

Watch Their Pooping Habits Closely

The next step we suggest is watching their poop habits closely in the following days. If your dog’s next round of poop is normal and blood-free, then it may be nothing to worry about. You may simply need to give your vet a call and see if they need their anal glands expressed. However, if your dog is experiencing frequent bloody stools, it is time to visit your vet.

Try To Think Of Any Causes Of GI Upset

If your dog is having blood in their stool along with symptoms of GI upset, we encourage you to think of any potential causes of their upset stomach. Did they eat anything outside of their normal diet? Could they have gotten into the trash? Did you switch their dog food abruptly? Are they up to date on their preventative care? Asking yourselves these questions can help you paint a clear picture for your veterinary team.

Seek Veterinary Guidance

If your dog has had more than one round of poop with blood, reach out to your vet for guidance. This could be something simple like constipation or full anal glands, but it could also point to an underlying complication that needs to be addressed. You never want to take any chances with your little one, so we always suggest at least giving your vet a call and explaining their symptoms.

Final Thoughts

Blood in your dog’s poop is a symptom you should always take seriously. You’re not alone in wondering “why does my dog drip blood after pooping”, but fortunately, the issue is easily addressed with the right knowledge. Watch your dog’s poop habits closely in the following days, and reach out to your vet if they have multiple rounds of bloody stool.

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